Threadlockers & Retaining Compounds

Threadlockers & Retaining Compounds

Threadlockers & Retaining Compounds

Threadlockers and retaining compounds are adhesives that hold mechanical parts together to resist vibration. Threadlockers work with threaded fasteners while retaining compounds work with unthreaded parts. Threadlockers for metals are the most commonly used. They are anaerobic, which means they remain fluid until they fill the empty space between threads and then harden in the absence of air and in the presence of metal ions Gasket sealants and makers join two mating surfaces together, such as flanged components, to seal the bond and prevent leaks. Gasket sealants, also referred to as gasket dressings, reinforce the seal of an existing precut material gasket and extend its life. Gasket adhesives hold the material gasket in place during assembly but do not have sealing properties. Gasket makers have good gap-filling properties and replace the need for an existing material gasket.

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